- The Iaoi Pro
- Instituto Líder
- International Journal of Oral Science – an open access
- Journal of orthodontics
- Journal of Pharmacy BioAllied Sciences
- Korean Journal of Orthodontics – an open access
- NIH Public Acess
- Norma para confecção de Monografia (NBR 14724 – 2011)
- Normas para trabalhos acadêmicos AVANTIS
- PMC – US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
- Portal CAPES
- Portal Saúde Baseado em Evidências
- Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial
- Springer Link – Artigos
- The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society
- The Open Dentistry Journal
- Revista Oral Health and Dental Management
- Revista Odontologia clínico-científica (open acess )
- Mechanical and histological evaluation of a titanium device for orthodontic anchorage, placed with or without cyanoacrylate adhesive.
- Dental Transposition of Mandibular Impacted Canine and Lateral Incisor Treatment: A Case Report
- Angle Orthodontist Online – an open access
- Asian Pacific orthodontic society
- Base de Dados – PubMed
- Base de Dados – Sciencedirect
- Biblioteca J. Baeta Vianna (Medicina UFMG)
- Biblioteca SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online
- Biblioteca UNIFESP
- Bibliotecas da UFMG
- Bibliotecas da UNICAMP
- Bibliotecas da USP
- Buscador Coruja
- BVS – Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde
- BVS – Cochrane
- BVS – Portal de Pesquisa
- Descritores em Ciências de Saúde
- European Journal of Orthodontics
- Free Books
- FreeFullPDF
- Innovations Implant Journal
- The Open Dentistry Journal
- Virtual Journal of Orthodontics